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An Update

 It's been five months since I wrote this: I started writing my childhood memoir last night. Lord willing it will be close to finished for first draft stage in only a month. I don’t know why but once I got serious and realized how I had been talking about writing for years but not actually writing, it really pushed me forward. Where did I start? At the end. Sort of. I needed a beginning that would draw my reader in, so what better place to begin than in a pivotal part of my story?  I found it ironic because I don't even know if THAT writing I referred to was the one that I have been working on in the last few months, or if it was a different version, or if it's the one that I lost. Either way, it was rather embarrassing to look at this and to think I actually planned to have a first draft finished in a month? That was overly ambitious I think. Currently I am writing. I am working on a childhood memoir, but it has evolved into something more like a dramatic fantasy than anyt...

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